How the Super Rich Survive and Thrive in Times of Uncertainty
“The rich get richer”…you’ve heard that your whole life, and probably because it’s true: US billionaires saw their collective wealth rise 62% in just the first 18 months of the Pandemic.
What are they doing you’re not? You might be surprised. My name is Dave O’Rourke, and I partner with your tax professional, and hundreds more across the US, to help American families enjoy more success in their wealth and retirement planning.
I hope you will join your tax professional and me as we break down the methods and practices–the secrets–that billionaires use to protect and grow their wealth. We will also discuss the five biggest threats to your security in retirement–and what you can do not just to survive, but to thrive.
This is incredibly important information, and no matter how knowledgeable you are about money and investing, we are sure you will gain valuable new insights.
All Attendees Will Receive a Complimentary Taxes First, Then Math Analysis
If This Sounds Like YOU, You Cannot Afford To Miss This Webinar
- You don’t know and can’t say specifically why your portfolio is just right for you
- You wish the incentive structure of your financial advisors was aligned with your success
- You would like to replace a vague feeling of dread about the market with more certainty about what you maximum loss exposure really is
- You are worried that inflation may wreck the retirement plans you’ve worked so hard on
- You would like to know exactly what financial services are costing you, but find that hard to know
- You’re concerned about the gap between what you earn and what you keep.
Your Investing Life Is a “Single Trial Experiment”
Economists and social scientists use arcane terms like “single trial experiment”, but we can just say: in life, there are no do-overs. If you ever made a buy high/sell low decision (as so many have), you cannot undo that trade. All you can do is not repeat that same mistake again. One of the most important things that successful investors (like billionaires) do is really something they don’t do: they don’t market-time. In the webinar we will talk about the practical things you can do to avoid the buy high/sell low trap.
In This Webinar You Will Learn:
- How emulating the practices of billionaires can lead to investing success
- The importance of transparency on long-term returns
- Why it’s been so difficult for so many to make substantial progress in building significant wealth
- The difference between risk and loss
- Why the Stoics of Ancient Rome would have been great investors