The Evolution of the Family Office Starts Here

John Drawdy
Family Office Director

What is a Family Office?

The wealthiest Americans are also the most successful investors, and that is neither a secret nor a coincidence. We believe the reason is simple: they are served by Family Offices.

The Family Office focuses on the integration of tax, wealth, and risk management into one cohesive experience. Typically, in financial services, advice is segregated to very specific expertise versus connected across the different financial services disciplines.

Creating a cohesive and integrated plan can have the same impact once only reserved for the wealthiest. It is now available to every American family.

Why You Need a Family Office

We see that too many of our clients suffer from the conflicts, high costs, and inefficiencies that result from working with multiple, often competing financial firms. We have made it is possible for every American family to enjoy the advantages that were once only available to the ultra-wealthy.

Those advantages include lower costs, smarter tax treatment, and a holistic approach to preserving, protecting, and growing their wealth.

Our vision for a brighter future is to provide the professionals, the expertise, the systems, and operational controls required
to deliver the family office experience.

Latest Family Office Articles

Que Sera, Sera

In his remarkable book “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds,” Charles Mackay explored the phenomenon of crowd psychology by examining a number of examples of mass hysteria, including the South Sea Bubble, the Mississippi Scheme, and Tulip Mania speculations. Published in 1841, the book remains a must-read for investors because while the mechanisms and liquidity of investing may have undergone spectacular changes, the people doing the investing haven’t really changed at all. What was once called a delusion is now referred to as a bias, or by less fancy street terms, like FOMO. Mackay knew then what we’d be wise to know now: following the crowd can lead to ruin.

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Keeping It Real

Few things affect economic growth and overall prosperity more than interest rates. Low rates create incentives for risk-taking, while high rates act as a brake on economic growth. Interest rates are the principal tool of the Fed, whose mandate is to promote maximum employment and stable prices. Rates do more than heat up or cool down GDP growth; they can cause bubbles to inflate or burst, threaten the stability of our national financial system, imperil the safety net, reduce the value of the dollar, and lead to social unrest. We thought it would be useful to put today’s interest rate environment in perspective by looking at the history of interest rates since the Kennedy administration.

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Don’t Be a Bird Brain

If you grew up in the Western world, you’re probably familiar with the folktale of Henny Penny, which in America we call Chicken Little. Versions of this allegory go back as far as 25 centuries. When a falling acorn hits a chicken on the head, she mistakenly believes the sky is falling and sets off a panic among the other animals, which leads to disaster. As we move into the summer months and as the national election heats up, there will be no shortage of acorns falling—in the form of predictions of doom. The wise investor will recognize falling acorns for what they are, a natural phenomenon that’s just a part of life, and maintain their composure while those around them are losing their heads.

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The Rosannadanna Rule

The wizards of Wall Street and the hedge fund managers in Connecticut have a lot of different algorithms and statistical models to guide their investments, but we recommend received wisdom as a check on their prognostications. There is a lot of sense in common sense.

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Debt and Taxes

Legislation, like the weather and inflation, is something we react to, not control. When planning for long-term financial security, we can hope for the best and plan for the worst, but it’s not only nearly impossible to predict what Congress will do, it’s pure speculation to predict what the impact of new legislation will be. However, investors should be concerned that the epic and rapidly growing mountain of government debt may become their personal problem before too much longer.

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For Retirees, “Buyer Beware” Remains Sound Advice

The long-awaited “final” rule from the Department of Labor will become effective on September 23rd of this year. It will mandate the fiduciary standard for investment advisors who work with ERISA plan participants. Investors should welcome this news but understand its narrow focus and remain vigilant in their dealings with investment product salespeople.

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What can you expect?

Proactive Tax Planning

Most financial professionals neglect this important discipline, but we believe that it’s not what you make, but what you keep that  matters.

Taxes are a drag on portfolio performance, wealth accumulation and lifestyle choices.

We will work to lower taxes in a way that is legal, moral and ethical.

Control the Controllable®

Historically the financial services industry wastes time and money on attempting to control things that can’t be predicted or controlled, such as market direction, volatility, inflation, interest rates, etc.

Our approach is to focus on costs, tax efficiency, diversification and maximum loss exposure. All these things can, and we believe, must be controlled

Multi-Generational Focus

Long-term planning is common among family offices, with a goal of maximizing the wealth transfer to succeeding generations or, in many cases, making an impact on society through charitable giving.

Risk Management

Today risks are magnified for the simple reason that you have so much to protect. Your wealth can make you a target, and the complexity of your holdings can create unwanted personal liabilities that can be managed with careful planning

Prudence & Discipline

As a general rule, family offices do not take uncompensated risks in their investments. They  tend to avoid speculation, preferring instead to take an institutional approach to asset allocation and portfolio management. Family offices accept the ups and downs of markets in ex- change for long term wealth building.

Best Interests Standard

Also known as the fiduciary rule. We follow this standard and put the interests and welfare of our clients first. Because we are Best Interest focused, we search for and implement only what we believe are the most beneficial solutions for the unique needs of the families we serve.